Monday, April 25, 2011

Biking Etiquette

Bicyclists and motorists have the same rights and responsibilities when it comes to the road, so here are some quick biking etiquette tips to make sure everyone is sharing the road safely:

1. Obey all traffic rules, just as you would if you were driving a car.
This means you should follow all traffic signs, signals, and lane markings.

2. Never go against traffic.
Bicyclists that ride against traffic can face unnecessary hazards from oncoming vehicles.

3. Use hand-signals to let other drivers know where you are headed.
It is a law to use hand-signals when riding on public roads as well as a gesture of common courtesy and self-protection.

4. Be alert!
Be aware of potential road hazards, such as potholes, railroad tracks, and slippery surfaces. Have both your hands and feet ready to brake.

5. Be respectful of pedestrians.
Similar to driving, pedestrians always have the right of way. Choose the street or bike path over a pedestrian walk way. Also give pedestrians a warning either verbally or using your bike bell.

6. Follow the speed limit.
Be aware of how fast you are biking. Slow down for possible construction, inclement weather, or incoming cars.

More etiquette tips can be found on:

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