Sunday, April 24, 2011

Cycle Smart Tips

I can admit, learning to bicycle as a form of transportation can be daunting. Although I know how to ride a bike, I sometimes feel as though I am not prepared to do so as often as I'd like. How do you signal to turn? What do I do if a car is trying to pass me and there isn't room? We've composed a list of tips to help beginning bicyclists feel prepared when they ride.

1. Safety First
Always practice safety when bicycling by wearing a helmet
2. Know it, Follow it
Know the cycling laws in your area and practice them when you ride
3. Combine Transportation
Use your bike in conjunction with other forms of alternative transport, such as city buses
4. Re-Think Your Route
Map your commute ahead of time and avoid traffic-heavy, congested roads
5. Leave Electronic Devices Behind
Leave your cell phone and iPod stored and keep your full attention on the road
6. Wear Appropriate Clothing
Baggy pants or skirts are liable to get caught in the spokes, make sure your clothing won’t
7. Plan Ahead
Prepare an “in-case-of-emergency” plan before you ride
8. Prepare for Inclement Weather
Check the weather before you leave and pack your poncho or water bottle for hydration
9. Know Your Bike
Proper bike fit, the right saddle, and knowing when to shift gears will make the time on your bike the best it can be
10. Keep Your Head Up
Be aware in the road for debris, storm drains, or other obstacles to avoid.


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