Monday, April 25, 2011

We think Bikes Belong Too!

The Bikes Belong Coalition is a group that is dedicated to promoting bike usage in the United States. Founded in 1999, the Bikes Belong Coalition's mission is to increase the bike usage nationally by providing funding for community programs, promotion of the biking benefits, and changing federal policy. They aim to make biking better and here at SCCS, we couldn't agree more. For more information on the Bikes Belong Coalition, check out their site.

One way that Bikes Belong is advocating for better biking is through a "People for Bikes" petition which is a citizen campaign. The goal of People for Bikes is to encourage a million supporters to stand up for biking by signing an online petition. By gaining public support, they hope to rally for more legislation to improve biking for the US. Since the petition began in 2010, 80,000+ supporters have voiced their love for biking and the number is growing! So if you are a bike lover just like us, we hope that you will join the petition to put the power to the pedal. Join the petition here. Logos courtesy of Bikes Belong.

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